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Archive for December, 2009

Wrapping up 2009

The challenge I am learning with a blog is keeping it up-to-date . . . which is difficult when one is busy.  Since my last post I’ve been in four states (North Carolina, Michigan, California, and Oregon) . . . Lots of fabulous fiber folks!  A truly great way to wrap up the year.

I had the fortunate opportunity to teach again at the John C. Campbell Folk School in Brasstown, NC.  What a terrific group coming from as far away as Greece and Alaska . . . plus, points in between.  We got to do a velvet demonstration for the other students at the school and I was thrilled with how many showed up.  Nancy Curtis, one of the students in my class, took to weaving velvet like she was born to do it!  It was great to have her weave during the demonstration so I could chat away about what we were doing.

From North Carolina I headed off to Michigan do to a workshop for the Cross Borders and Michigan Weavers Guilds.  It was wonderful to be back in Michigan . . . it’s beginning to feel like a second home.

My last trip of the year was to San Diego, CA to work with Susan Lazear, my partner in HGA’s Design Challenge for Convergence 2010 in Albuquerque, NM.  While there, I did a short presentation to her Textiles class at Mesa College.  I never tire of being around college students.  So energetic and full of marvelous ideas.

2009 was a year unlike any year I’ve ever had in many ways.  Onward to 2010 . . . and a promise to provide exciting textile updates along the way!