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Archive for October, 2011

Getting tee’d off in Reno

I’ve taught in in a variety of places . . . churches, art centers, private homes, community centers, schools, and more.  However, recently I was able to add a new one . . . golf course.  I recently had the pleasure of teaching a workshop, Extreme Warp Makeover, for the Reno Fiber Guild.  Apparently, I was so caught up in chatting with my host, Suzanne, on the way to the workshop on the first day that it eluded exactly where the workshop was located.  During one of the presentations, I was hearing amplified voices outside and seeing very small vehicles move quickly across the windows of the room we were in.  I then found out I was teaching in a building located in the middle of a golf course.  A truly unique location, if you ask me.  It was very nice.  In fact, it was great!  As the golfers busied themselves each day, we started with a continental breakfast . . . with lunch being brought to us at mid-day . . . but, best of all, were the warm freshly-baked cookies delivered in the middle of the afternoon!  This was timely to say the least.  Just as our blood sugar  was starting to drop, the perfect treat showed up.

Below are a few pictures from the workshop, including a picture of one of the cutest looms I’ve ever seen (possibly a very early Gilmore loom).  But, keep reading for more . . .

In addition to the workshop, I got to see a few things that were really fun and I have to share images of the house belonging to:
A)  The ultimate Halloween enthusiast
B)  Someone who definitely does not suffer from arachnophobia
C)  An obsessive fiber artist
D)  All of the above

Periodically, I forgot I was in Reno . . . well, not Reno . . . but, I definitely forgot I was in a state was gambling is something that one frequently comes across.  The only place I saw any kind of gambling was at the airport.  The slot machines certainly are colorful and I thought they might be a good source of inspiration . . . and one can’t go more than five minutes without hearing the words “Wheel of Fortune” sing out from a slot machine . . . but, I don’t gamble.  The one time I gambled, I watched the black jack dealer take my chips when her hand beat mine and I realized I had just paid $5 for 90 seconds of entertainment . . . however, I might be persuaded if slot machines dispensed skeins of yarn and the gamble was what kind of fiber you got.